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Daily Rune Pull October 31, 2018 - Fehu Merkstave

When Fehu falls merkstave know that we are being shown the shadow side of possessions. While Fehu upright represents possessions and nourishment and the attraction of these things to our experience, Fehu reversed provides us with the experience and opportunity to put these things in their proper perspective.

As far as the more mundane issues of money, wealth and physical abundance are a focus, today would be a good day to fiscally adopt a more conservative outlook. This is not the day to make decisions regarding large expenditures and certainly not the right time to spend frivolously. The resources you have attained will be needed soon for your true work, so hold off just a bit on unneeded spending. Tomorrow is time enough to make that big purchase.

Energetically this is a far more important time than many might give credit to. We are being given the opportunity to reassess what truly matters to us in this Life. Take a serious look at where you are sending your energy and the value you will ultimately receive from your efforts. Are you focused on issues that impact your Soul, your happiness and your fulfillment? Or are you focused on the accumulation of material things that add no true value to your Life?

Take a few minutes today to determine what is of most value to you right now. Not what mattered a week ago or what your most familiar story about yourselves states, but what is really most significant to your happiness.

Do your choices accurately reflect your desires, or those you have been taught to believe are important. This is not the day to throw around your wealth or your energy in a manner that does not truly serve your highest good. The value of Fehu reversed is that of open and honest reflection regarding your Soul desire, not your illusion of need and lack.

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