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 The Conscious Business Declaration 

A New Standard for Business in the 21st Century


As a global community of business leaders we are committed to developing the awareness and skills needed to consciously evolve our organizations in alignment with these principles: 

  • We Are One with humanity and all of life.  Business and all institutions of the human community are integral parts of a single reality — interrelated, interconnected and interdependent.

  • In line with this reality, the purpose of Business is to increase economic prosperity while contributing to a healthy environment and improving human wellbeing.

  • Business must go beyond sustainability and the philosophy of “do no harm” to restoring the self-renewing integrity of the Earth.

  • Business must operate with economic, social, and ecological transparency.

  • Business must behave as a positive and proactive member of the local and global communities in which it operates.

  • Business that sees, honors, and celebrates the essential interconnected nature of all human beings and all life maximizes human potential and helps create a world that works for all.

  • When aligned with Oneness, Business is the most powerful engine on Earth for creating prosperity and flourishing for all.


Empathic Healings

28954 Lorain Rd. Suite 103

North Olmsted. OH 44333

© 2023 by Rian Dean

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